4 yıllar önce - çevirmek

More research in my "All Docs" My search has been the word "Knowing". My search showed me this...

"We will begin by telling you what it is that we would have you do. In your waking hours it would be important to see through my eyes meaning your father in heavens eyes, see all things spiritually not temporally even self. The foods that you eat will be far more important than before. This has very little to do with your temporal self, it has everything to do with your spiritual self. The foods you eat will directly affect your spirituality be mindful of us and we will guide you as to what it is that you should eat. This process does not mean that you will not be free of course for in your spiritual course you will be more free than ever before, all that you have been through has led you to this point. When you know what to do in all things this is freedom. This knowing is very important in that this is the knowing that you have quested after and that we have led you to. My children want to sacrifice their agency, their choice in an effort to be able to not have to suffer through the perceived anguish of outcomes. The problem of making the right choice is what my children have to go through till they have a knowing, till they have the knowing. They try to forfeit unknowing and this is what you have experienced for these past years when they come to you to ask me what to do. It is not that this is a bad thing; it is just not preferable of course. This knowing is what it is that we do and are this is part of agency."